NAVA advises delay to Fees & Payments Schedule update and encourages Members to rely on the 2018 schedule for Australia Council applications

Member Statement

Dear Members,

Recently NAVA wrote to you encouraging your participation in our Fees & Payments Survey.

Artists and organisations across Australia rely on the Code of Practice for advice on industry standards – both for everyday negotiations, and also, ahead of major grant applications such as the first round of the Australia Council’s Four Year Organisations Program.

We also advised that we’d be making separate surveys for fees and payments to independent artists, and for salaries and wages to sector employees. 

Unfortunately the response rate of this timely survey does not yield enough of a representative sample to allow for full independent validation of the results by our Code of Practice research partner, the Contemporary Art and Social Transformation research group at RMIT University.

NAVA encourages all applicants to the Australia Council’s Four Year Organisations Program to budget on the basis of our current Fees & Payments Schedule, which was last updated in 2018, and offers a set of minimum and not average rates for artists' fees across a range of applications.

In coming months, NAVA will relaunch this survey alongside our survey on salaries and wages – and we’d love for you to help us spread the word, so that we can capture the majority of the sector.

Our next step for both surveys will be to validate the outcomes with our research partner as well as via a culturally and geographically diverse roundtable of artists, institutions and industry representatives.