NAVA survey: have your say on the future of NAVA and Australia’s contemporary arts

Take survey for your chance to win a NAVA Premium Membership.

Illustration by Jessica Johnson, Nungala Creative.

It has been two years since we launched our 2018-2020 Strategic Plan where we determined to lead advocacy, policy and action for a contemporary arts sector that’s ambitious and fair. 

Our Members, friends and followers have been the driving force behind our work and we believe that together we have achieved great things. We thank you for being part of the NAVA community.

As the arts sector adjusts to a COVID-19 environment, there’s a great deal to rethink as NAVA embarks on its next strategic planning cycle. To help us with this, we are asking you to spare 5-10 minutes to complete our survey, so we can determine the best role NAVA can play in coming years to serve the interests of our Members and the sector. The survey can be accessed here. It can be completed on computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Everyone who completes the survey will go in the draw to win 1 of 10 annual NAVA Premium Memberships (or equivalent fees for Premium Plus Members for one year).

The survey is being conducted by independent research agency NSF Consulting. Please note that your responses will remain confidential and no results will be attributed to any one individual in final reporting. NSF Consulting is a member of The Research Society and adheres to all relevant Privacy Laws.

Thanks again. We appreciate your time and honest feedback.